The beginning of 2016 marks not only a new year but some trends in human resources that need to be watched for in the coming months. Keeping abreast of the changes and trends can help companies in attracting and retaining employees for their organizations.
1. Changes to Paid Overtime: The U.S. Department of Labor has been hinting that there will be major changes to overtime eligibility rules that will affect the minimum salary threshold. These changes are not due to take effect until the latter part of 2016.
2. Laws regarding paid sick leave: President Barak Obama called on Congress last year to pass legislation that would guarantee all workers the ability to earn paid sick leave. While workers in every other developed country are entitled to such sick days, the U.S. has yet to pass such legislation offering similar benefits for workers.
3. Accommodations for Pregnant workers: States across the nation are requiring employers to give reasonable accommodations for their pregnant employees. Employers should have clear policies in place to address how such requests for accommodations are handled.
4. The Affordable Care Act: The ACA’s reporting requirements are due to take effect in 2016. That means that all full-time employees in companies with more than 50 workers must have healthcare offered to them or face penalties for not doing so.
5. Increases in minimum wages for several states: Fourteen states have increased the minimum wage requirements. The national minimum wage average is currently around $9 per hour.
6. The National Labor Relations Board: The NLRB is monitoring employee policies through 2016. All employers should work diligently to ensure that their policies align with the recommendations of the NLRB.
7. Restrictions regarding background checks: Some states are now restricting what employers can ask about an applicant’s background and credit history. Employers should make sure that they adhere to their own state’s regulations regarding background checks.
8. Scheduling requirements: There are now new r that have been enacted in some states that require employees to provide a work schedule for employees who work varied shifts a minimum of two weeks in advance. Rather than having scheduling be the responsibility of employees that can cause confusion and add stress, the burden surrounding scheduling falls on employers. For those who have had their schedule changed in a period less than seven days, places such as San Francisco, for example, require employers to provide premium pay for such instances.
Navigating through all of the new rules and laws regarding human resource and employee matters can be complicated and frustrating. At NetPEO, we specialize in human resources and we understand how hard it can be. You need the right people to fill the right job at the right time.
NetPEO is a part of a network of companies that offers HR outsourcing and Employee Leasing Services. Contact us to find out how we can help you fill all of your HR needs.