Should Pet Insurance Be Part of the Benefits Package?

Rest assured that your employees love their pets. Pets can become members of the families that they live with, so it should come as no surprise that according to a recent article at, households spend some $66.75 billion on products in 2016 for their pets in the US. That number is projected to rise this year according to the American Pet Products Association. It is estimated that $69.36 billion will be spent by “pet parents” on their four-footed, winged, or scaled family members in 2017.

So should employers offer pet insurance for their employees? Rob Jackson, co-founder and CEO of Healthy Paws Pet Insurance and Foundation gives an emphatic, “Yes!”

This is especially important if companies want to recruit young talent to their organization. “Many millennials are delaying having children, or foregoing human children altogether in favor of having a furry family,” Jackson said in the interview. “Offering this popular benefit often requires little to no effort on the part of the employer, and gives them a leg up when recruiting talent,” he said.

Jackson went on to focus on some of the benefits that can be derived from those having insurance to cover their pets just as they would carry insurance for themselves or any other family member. Having the vet bills covered and that giving their pet the best care possible is important. “Pet parents” should never have to choose between their pet’s life and their savings. Having pet insurance can spare employees from having to make a heartbreaking decision.”

What Should Employers Look For in a Pet Insurance Plan?

Jackson asserts that employers who come the understanding that the relationships that people have with their pets and offering pet insurance may find themselves ahead of the competition. In today’s highly competitive job market where employers are often trying to outdo each other when recruiting, it can make all the difference.

  • Insuring and administering pet insurance is actually far less complicated than it is for their human counterparts. Most companies that offer pet insurance don’t have enrollment periods, so it can be done at any time. Healthy Paws, for example, offers quotes and a way for workers to enroll for pet insurance online.
  • These plans usually cover accidents and illnesses. The cost of routine office visits, annual exams and tooth cleanings are not included.
  • Employees pay for veterinary services themselves then submit them to the pet insurance company for reimbursement. Often the only requirement for coverage and reimbursement is that services were performed by a licensed veterinarian.  
  • Coverage for pet insurance on average is approximately $15 per month for cats and $25 per month for dogs.
  • Pre-existing conditions are not covered by any pet insurance company. The important thing, according to Jackson, is to get the insurance as early as possible in order to derive the most benefit from their pet insurance coverage.

There’s no denying that pets are an important part of the lives of many families. Offering pet insurance to your workers can be an important part of their benefits package. When workers see that you understand these important relationships, their response to other benefits you are offering may end up being even more receptive.

At NetPEO, our network of companies can help your organization offer the best benefits possible to your workers.  We will be there to help you make the most of your current human resource talent and get you the right people and organization for today and well into the future.  We offer Employee Leasing services as well as HR outsourcing. To see how we can help you and your company, contact us today and get guaranteed results.