It has long been established that the majority of those who work in the field of HR are women. Recent figures collected in 2016 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) suggest that 73.7 percent of workers in the field of HR in the private and public sector are women. While the profession has historically …
Blog - Page 18
Highest Concerns of HR in 2018
Soon it will be a New Year and HR professionals were recently surveyed by XpertHR, a provider of legal information for employers. According to a recent article appearing on Staffing Industry Analyst’s website, the issues of workplace violence, data breaches, sexual harassment, and marijuana ranked to cause the most concern. XpertHR based their findings according …
Watershed Moment in Workplace HR
Cases of discrimination and harassment of all types are now front and center in the news. Celebrities, politicians and the rich and powerful are now facing a huge backlash. Firings, loss of credibility, lawsuits, and heightened public scrutiny has rocked organized organizations of all sizes. Even as the social media #MeToo has won Time Magazine …
Could A Theft Accusation Lead to a Defamation Suit?
No employer wants to have hired someone only to have to let them go. Even when the reasons are justifiable, organizations need to be keenly aware that what they say regarding why an employee was dismissed or risk finding themselves in court. A recent article by Jon Hyman, a regular contributor to, describes the …
ACA Enrollment Sets Record Highs
In spite of repeated attempts to dismantle the ACA or Obamacare, the current enrollment period this year has seen a record number of sign-ups. Even with cuts in funding for advertising, denials of cost sharing initiates, reduction of hours and the amount of time that consumers have to enroll the ACA numbers are better than …
Are Your Employees Too Sleepy?
It’s no great secret that a vast majority of Americans in the workforce feel tired when they are at work. Some these same workers would fall under what physicians and other medical professionals describe as sleep deprived. According to a recent article by Alexis Carpello that appeared on In a recent study conducted by …
Avoiding Scary Discrimination Lawsuits
We’ve managed to make it through Halloween this year, but there can be some really scary situations that HR professionals and their organizations have to face all year long. According to a recent article by Alexandra Bonner and Emily Kearsey that appeared on the Personnel Today website, some theoretical situations could end up being a …
Women Still Fear Reporting Sexual Harassment At Work
Over the past few weeks, it’s become obvious that practically every woman who is in the workforce can think of incidents of sexual harassment that she has experienced. According to a recent article that appeared at, many women don’t know what to do when placed in such situations. Knowing just how to handle sexual …
Trump Administration Shakes Up the ACA Through Executive Order
The issues surrounding healthcare continue as President Trump issued an Executive Order this past week. According to the latest Executive Order, the executive branch will “facilitate the purchase of health insurance across state lines and the development of operation of a healthcare system that provides high-quality care at affordable prices for the American people. The …
Contraceptive Opt-Out Expands to More Employers
Another change in healthcare has come in the form of a new mandate from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Trump Administration. According to an article which recently appeared at the website, not only will religious employers be able to opt out of the Affordable Care Act’s mandate of …
Handling Expunged Criminal Records
Employers that conduct background screens need to keep up as states expand the types of criminal records eligible for sealing or expungement. In a recent article by Roy Maurer that appeared on the SHRM website, government officials such as Muriel Bowser, Mayor of Washington, D.C., have put forth a proposal to expunge the arrest records of …
LGBT Rights in the Workplace Challenged by Trump Administration
In spite of inroads made for equality for LGBT workers and same sex couples under the Obama Administration, the battle over whether or not companies can discriminate against workers based on their sexual preference may be soon put to the test soon. The Trump Administration’s Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who is now at the helm …
Paid Parental Leave Spreads To More Companies
In a political climate that is in many ways more divided than at almost any other point in history, there may be agreement on both sides of the aisle in Congress. According to a recent article by Andie Burjek that appeared at, between 2015 and 2017 the number of employers that announced they would …
HR Technologies Keep Making Advances
Technology is coming to influence more and more of our daily lives. With these advances come improved results with greater effectiveness than ever before, including in the field of human resources. In a recent series by the Digital Journal, KMPG said in a review of HR technology that what organizations are really after are results. …
Data Sharing Rule On Pay Halted By Trump Administration
The Trump Administration has put a halt on a rule from the Obama Administration that would require that companies share data on what they pay their employees as well as information on race and gender. In spite of this recent action by the current administration, in a recent article that appeared in the Chicago Tribune, …
Millennials Seek Faster Pay Cycles
For most companies, not much has changed in terms of employees filling out timesheets or clocking in and out. Most workplaces still have two-week pay periods, but for many Millennials that just isn’t good enough. According to a recent article at, the fast pace of a world that is technology driven has left Millennials …
Should You Autocheck References?
Almost no HR professional one likes the task of checking the references that a candidate submits. Today, however, it pays for an organization to check to see if a work history as it was presented on an application or resume is what’s been submitted. In a recent article on the website, since last year …
Is Your Workplace Experiencing The Trump Effect?
After last year’s presidential election, it became obvious that Americans are deeply divided on a number of issues. This divide has clearly begun to show itself in many aspects of American’s daily lives. Now according to a recent story which appeared on the NBC Dallas-Fort Worth website, it appears that the leadership style of President …
Food Poisoning Case Traced to Sick Leave Policies
As if the headaches that restaurant chain Chipotle has been experiencing over the past year haven’t been bad enough, a recent outbreak of norovirus at one of the chain’s Virginia restaurants is now being blamed on a failure to enforce sick leave polices. In a recent article by Valerie Bolden-Barret on the HR Dive website, …
Employees Unaware of Cybersecurity Risks
Even with increasing focus on cybersecurity issues and with recent, high profile hacks that have made major headlines in the last few years, unfortunately, most workers are blissfully unaware of what their level of exposure is. This can be dangerous when it comes to hackers and others gaining access to their sensitive healthcare data. According …
Full-Time HR Employees To Decline
According to a recent article that appeared at Employee Benefit Advisor’s website, the number of full-time HR employees is expected to decline by 1.4% 2017. This comes after a decline in 2016 of 1.3%. This is one of the challenges that leave HR professionals behind the curve in keeping up with the demands of today’s …
Should Pet Insurance Be Part of the Benefits Package?
Rest assured that your employees love their pets. Pets can become members of the families that they live with, so it should come as no surprise that according to a recent article at, households spend some $66.75 billion on products in 2016 for their pets in the US. That number is projected to rise this …
Big Data Continues To Grow in HR
Possibly more important and valuable than a company’s financial data is the data gathered by human resource departments. Companies may not realize it yet but in the long run, such data could be mined in a number of ways. According to a recent article that appeared on SHRM, Phil Wainewright, who had recently attended the …
GOP Pulls New Health Care Bill, ACA To Stay
The battle over healthcare, at least for the moment, is over. The GOP plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare, has been resoundingly rejected by Congress from both sides of the aisle. Democrats rejected it because although it would cut an estimated $137 billion from the budget, it …
Questions HR Needs to Ask IT
In February, we reported to be on the lookout for W2 scams during tax season. From the end of the calendar year to the tax deadline in mid-April is the prime time for hackers and information thieves to attempt to get their hands on the personal information of your employees in order to file fraudulent …
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