A professional employer organization (PEO) can help both you and your employees by making your business a better place to work. And not only can a PEO help you find more qualified candidates, but it can also help you retain employees once you find the good ones. A PEO can help you develop your job posts to attract the right kind of talent for the job.
Not only that but once you’ve hired the right people, a PEO can help you train the right people. A PEO can work with you on developing your employee handbook so new employees know right from the get-go what you expect of them. A PEO can also set up on-site or off-site training programs for your new hires to attend. Conversely, a PEO can also help with that hard job of getting rid of the deadwood when it’s time to terminate someone who just isn’t working out.
A PEO’s main goal is to help your business thrive. A PEO can help you find the right people to create the right team to deliver on your company’s mission and objectives. Further, a PEO can give your employees what they want to encourage them to stay with you for the long haul.
Finding the right PEO for your business is as simple as making one phone call to our team at NetPEO. The process for finding the right PEO can be long and tedious, so let us help you out. Call us today at (678) 376-1212 for a free business analysis that will match you up to the perfect PEO for your company’s needs.
HR Assistance
Recruiting qualified employees is the job of the HR department. But what happens if you don’t have an HR department? Or if you do have an HR department, but it’s understaffed? The good news is that a PEO can essentially function as your third party, off-site HR department. You can trust everything from hiring to firing and even payroll and worker’s comp to your PEO.
Having a functional HR department is just as important for your employees as it is for you. Employees don’t take kindly to an administration that can’t get their taxes and payroll right.
Plus, chances are good that if a company can’t get its employees’ finances right, it probably isn’t doing great with submitting its own financial paperwork on time either. And it’s probably missing deadlines when it comes to state and federal labor laws too, which means it’s only a matter of time before the company fails. That’s certainly something its employees can smell in the water.
Don’t lose the good talent that you have worked hard to gain, and that you’ve paid a PEO to help you find. There’s no need to put any of this in jeopardy when a PEO can help you out with everything from managing your employees’ PTO to conducting timely employment verifications. You don’t want to waste one minute of enjoying the help of good talent. A PEO will help you conserve that time.
Simply put, if an HR department would do it, so too can a PEO.
Insurance Benefits
What’s one of the main reasons an employee feels unhappy with a company and ultimately leaves? Its benefits package. It may not mean as much to younger employees with no preexisting health conditions. But the longer they’re with your company, the more reliable they may become on their benefits package. And if they have to start paying more out of pocket — especially if you haven’t been able to give them a raise recently — the more upset they’ll become.
Thankfully, a PEO can help you get ahead of all of this by finding you a benefits package that encourages your current employees to stay, and new talent to jump onboard. If you run a smaller company, you may never have thought an affordable, good plan was actually possible for your company. But with a PEO, all of that changes.
A PEO can combine several of its clients and present them as one large group to the insurance company. The result is a better package at a lower rate that offers things your employees may never have thought they could enjoy while working for you. 401(k) plans, educational options, and life insurance all become possible when you team up with a PEO for your insurance needs.
Let NetPEO Help You Change Your Life
NetPEO can help you find a PEO that essentially works as your right hand. How you functioned this long without one, you’ll be amazed to realize. We take all the hassle out of the process for you. We find a PEO for you, match you up, and check in with you after to make sure the one we found was worth keeping. If not, no worries — we’ll dive right back into a new search, and we won’t stop until you’re satisfied.
Call NetPEO today for a free analysis at (678) 376-1212. Don’t watch your current employees walk out the door. Instead, feel amazed at how many new ones walk in! Change your life and your business for the better, and call NetPEO today!